Sunday 28 October 2012

Athletics 2012

I am desperately on the search for athletics day photos! 
As I was on recording track event results I never go the chance to take photos of any children participating in their events. Please email me if you have any that you could share. Thank you, Mrs Majurey

Study Ladder Trial

During term four I will be using Study Ladder as part of the home fun programme. Each child will have their own user name and password which I will give out next Monday. I will assign tasks for each child in the classroom (these may be different for each child). I will be able to keep track of your child's movement and how they are going.

This is my first time using study ladder, but many children in the class have told me that they have used it before which is great to hear.

Please encourage your child to complete practise tasks through out the week, starting next week.

Monday 22 October 2012


We have two awesome events coming up for Reremoana School. This Friday is our athletics and EOTC begins on December 3rd.  It is extremely important that we have the permission for all students to leave the school grounds and to participate in these events.

Please ensure that your child has brought to school the permission slips for these events. If you are unsure whether or not you have returned these slips just send another in. It is better to have two returned than none at all.

Athletic slips need to be returned now! This event is on this Friday! Please make sure you have read the booklet that came home last Thursday and rummage around the house to find and appropriate colored shirt for your childs surname: A-G = Green (Tawa Team), H-Q = Yellow (Rimu Team), R-Z = White (Kauri Team).

Monday 15 October 2012

Homefun, Pens, Athletics and EOTC

Homefun begins on Tuesday 23 October. In the mean time make sure you read every night and get some basic facts practicing happening using

Over half of Room 6 do not have black pens or pencils to complete their work. It is important that each child has their own named pens. Sadly about ten of mine have been borrowed and lost already (day one term 4). Even if you think your child has the correct items it is always a good idea to give them extras.

Athletics is scheduled for next Friday. Woohoo! I can't wait to see Room 6 and the rest of Reremoana School participate in our annual athletics event at Massey Park in Papakura. Please make sure you have handed in your child's permission slip.

We have a fun filled week coming up in week 6 for our EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom). Information for this was handed out last term along with forms for parents to fill in. Thank you to those parents who have already returned their forms and especially to those who are willing to give their time to volunteer to help us during this week.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Book Character Day

Awesome costumes! Good to see that some even brought the books to school.

Stu Duval

Wow! What an amazing artist and story teller. Here are a few pictures from our time with Stu Duval during Book Week.