Thursday 23 August 2012

Room 6 Writes

Here is an example of some of the amazing writing we are doing in Room 6. We are learning to use our senses to describe.

Topic: We run the 100 metre sprint at the Olympics and win gold!

Here we have Rayhaan and Kaleb sharing their wonderful writing.

Pen Monster

The pen monster strikes again!

There are many children in Room 6 who do not have a black pen for writing with. Pens that are named are returned to their owners if found lying around. Those not named end up in a container along with spares from Mrs Majurey.

This container is often empty and there are children who are searching high and low for a one to use which takes up much of our precious learning time.

Please arrange a couple of 'black' pens for your child to bring to school (NAMED) for them to use and look after for the rest of the year.

Fingers crossed the pen monster is happy with his pen collection and does not want any more.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Winner of Room 6 Speeches come 2nd in the Year 2 Competition

Congratulations Danie for representing Room 6 in the Year 2 speech competition. Competition was tough and the judges had a difficult decision to make. Danie was awarded second out on all of the Pukeko Team Year 2 students. Well done! Danie will be sharing his speech with the whole school and parents at Celebration on Friday.

Sunday 12 August 2012

NZ Maths Week

We are excited to be starting NZ Maths Week today. We all have a login and password for the NZ Maths Week website and we are on our way to complete challenges and games.

You will be asked to use this website this week for home fun. Work hard to complete all of the challenges. Remember to start games at level 1.